Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee
Junior Livestock Show, May 15-18, 2025
PO BOX, 489. ANGELS CAMP CA 95222 ...209-736-2561
2021 State Rules for California Fairs are available at the Fairgrounds Administration Office. 2022 rules will be at the Fair office when available.
All livestock exhibitors (NOT REQUIRED FOR DOG, HORSE OR CAVIES) age 9 on December 31, 2021, must take the YQCA online Ethics Awareness Class to participate in the 2022 Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee.
Fair is open to primary member’s ages 5 years old through 8 years of age, exhibit only. The use of Danish and American systems of judging is not acceptable for use with primary members; therefore, they receive recognition for participation only.
Primary Members do not pay stall fees
Co-ops are permitted in rabbits, poultry and turkeys only.
All animals shown at the fair MUST have current preventative vaccines. (Including but not limited to Erysipelas vaccine in swine)
All poultry and turkeys must be inspected before entering the Fairgrounds.
All sheep and goats are required to have an USDA approved Scrapie Identification. Included are Scrapie Flock Certification Program ear tags, legible registration tattoos if accompanied by registration papers or electronic identification.
Livestock pens will be assigned by the Livestock Superintendent and cannot be changed without their permission.
There will be designated areas for tack.
Barns are “species specific.” After weigh-ins animals MUST be housed & fitted to the species-specific barn or designated area.
A load in schedule for large animals will be made available the first week of May.
Market Poultry must be in place by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17th.
All non-poultry exhibits must be in place by Wednesday, May 18th by 2 p.m.
If an Exhibitor is not bringing an animal to the Fair, they must notify the Livestock Office immediately of this scratch.
Permanent ID, ear tags, tattoos, leg bands, etc. will be assigned to Market Animals either at voluntary pre-fair weigh-ins or on Tuesday, May 17th or Wednesday May 18th before official weigh-ins.
All animals being weighed must have an ear tag/band/tattoo number prior to official weigh-in.
It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to have their animals weighed at the designated times.
Exhibitors will not be allowed to wash animals during the official Fair weigh-ins.
All re-weighs must be performed immediately following the first weigh-in. If the animal leaves the scale area, a re-weigh will not be allowed. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to receive their weight information immediately. Re-weighs will not be permitted for poultry, turkeys, rabbits or cavies. Scales will be closed until official weigh-ins.
All animals must be completely dry at the official weigh-in.
Halters and blankets must be removed before any animal is put on scale for official weigh-in.
An animal entered in a market class that weighs less than the minimum weight for that division will be transferred to the appropriate feeder class. However, feeder animals will not be transferred to a market class if they are too heavy for their feeder division.
All market animal classes are limited to entries as follows: a 4-H, FFA, Calaveras Grange or Independent Exhibitor may enter unlimited market animal units (including meat chickens and rabbits); however, may not show more than four market units total and only two of the same market unit. Only four market units will be permitted on the Fairgrounds. All trailers will be inspected at the lower gate. No exceptions.
Muzzling of any animal is prohibited unless recommended by the Fair’s official veterinarian.
Only those animals entered will be allowed on the Fairgrounds. Natural mothers (of offspring) of a not weaned entry will not be allowed on grounds, including parking lots and camping areas. No nurse cows.
Only animals eligible to be exhibited in a conformation class may remain on the fairgrounds after weigh-ins.
A neck safety tie will be required on all cattle.
All Exhibitors are required to have stall cards for each livestock exhibit. The card shall have the following information: Exhibitor’s name and club, breeder’s name and location, name of the animal and breed type. Livestock Office has blanks.
If an exhibit is determined ineligible under State and/or Local Rules, during or after judging, the Exhibitor shall forfeit all awards and sale eligibility.
An exhibitor, parent, and leader/advisor barn curfew will be enforced from 10:00PM until 5:00 a.m. each day of the fair. Animals diagnosed by the Fair veterinarian will be either sent home or moved to the isolation area. Parents, leaders and or exhibitors will only be permitted to stay in the barn area after curfew if deemed necessary by the Fair vet. Additionally, a Fair employee or appointed volunteer must be present. Exhibitors violating the barn curfew may be removed from the show and or auction.
Locks are prohibited on pens.
All pens must be cleaned before exhibitor leaves the Fairgrounds on Sunday, May 22nd at 4 p.m. Violations of this policy will result in a $25 fine per small animal pen and $200 per large animal exhibitor. However, in the beef barn the club and or chapter will be fined.
Exhibitors, parents, or leaders may not remove tack, stall cards or exhibits until Sunday, May 22nd at 4 p.m. Violations of this policy will result in a $25 fine per exhibitor. Market Animals not in the sale may be released Saturday, May 21st 6 a.m. through 8 a.m. A penalty will be assessed for any animal prematurely removed.
All livestock Entry Forms including breeding exhibits must have Bill of Sale attached. Only animals in Co-ops may use a Bill of Sale from the club or chapter. Animals purchased by a club or chapter must have original ID numbers. Bred by Exhibitor, Family Dogs and or Horses must have a written ownership statement by the exhibitor or parent.
Grooming and fitting: The fair is an educational experience and, as such, exhibitors must fit and groom their own animals for show. Exhibitors may receive limited assistance for instructional purposes from their parents and leaders and/or advisors. No professional fitters. NOTE: Violation of this rule as determined by the JLC will result in disqualification of the exhibitor and exhibit, forfeiting all awards, premiums and eligibility to participate in the auction.
Dog Show- Head halters and muzzles may be used only outside the show ring and staging areas. When showing in the obedience classes, a buckle collar, slip collar, or martingale collar are the only acceptable collars to use. No tags of any kind on collars.
The official ownership date is the date shown on the receipt of sale unless the animal was bred by exhibitor. These days are counted prior to the opening day of Fair unless the event is held separately from the Fair.
All exhibitors must have viable proof of ownership available to Fair and Livestock Officials at their request. Market animals (Beef, Sheep, Meat Goats, Swine, Rabbits and Poultry) must be owned and under exhibitor’s daily care according to established rules and regulations for the fair. The official Ownership date is the date shown on the bill of sale, unless the animal was bred by the exhibitor, in which case calving or birth records must be shown.
Beef (150 days)
Horse (120 days)
Goats, Sheep, Swine, Turkeys, Rabbits, Cavies, All Breeding Projects including poultry. (60 days)
Market Poultry (39 days)
Market Rabbits (30 days)
Horse projects may be leased. Leased horses may not be shown for conformation in the halter classes. Exhibitors must have the signature of the leader or advisor on the lease. A copy of the lease and photograph showing the side profile of the horse must be on file at the Fair office 120 days before the show.
All Independent Exhibitors (including horse) must provide the Fair Management with a photo of the exhibitor with his/her project. ***Pictures are due to the Fair Entry Office by the appropriate species ownership date. ***
Independent Exhibitors must submit proof of attending a school in Calaveras County or a district transfer for the length of the project.
Independent Exhibitors showing market animals must have the animals identified with an ear tag/band provided by the fair. The ear tag number must be visible in the photograph.
Independent horse exhibitors must file any lease information with the fair entry office.
Independent exhibitors must keep a record book.
Parents of independent exhibitors must attend the “Best Practices Seminar”.
Independent exhibitors will be judged as a group for Herdsman.
*** The Calaveras County Fair requires all exhibitors to participate in the YQCA online Ethics Awareness Class. (Mini Members are exempt). Horse, Dog and Cavy Exhibitors EXEMPT
Mandatory - The State of California has adopted the following program: