Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee
Junior Livestock Show, May 16-19,2024
PO Box 489, Angels Camp CA 95222
209.736.2561 Fax: 209.736.2476
Junior Livestock Committee
Calaveras County Livestock Committee is an advisory committee to the 39th DAA Board of Directors and is a subcommittee of the Friends of the Calaveras County Fair. The committee manages the annual livestock show and auction in association with the 39th DAA and Friends of the Calaveras County Fair. The 39th DAA is the legal entity and has authority over any issue as deemed in State Rules. The CEO of the Association works closely with Chairperson of the Committee to ensure proper procedures are in place. The JLC meets 10 months of the year, the 4th Monday of the month.
Chairperson – Shawn Westberg
Vice Chairperson – Clint Gleason
Treasurer- Aldie Broglio
Secretary- Gina Neslon
Nick Casci
Kyle Spence
Amelia Tower
Art Mills
Bryan Ormond
Steve Myers
Dennis Zielkhe
Sheryl Morris
Loraine Larson
Mike Nelson
Andrew Nelson
John Osbourn
Clint Gleason
Carrie Phillips
Jason Weatherby
Jessica Evans
Langley Martinez
Tasha Westberg
Kathy Rusk
Linda Olson
Steve Schimp
Travis Truelock
Ex Officio
Laurie Giannini
MaryBeth Ospital
Kasey Musachia
Show Committee- committee coordinates with the Fair the show times and staffing. Assist in organizing weigh-ins.
Show Awards Committee – Facilitates the Special Awards and solicits sponsors.
Judges Committee- committee assists in hiring the judges.
Rules Committee- committee solicits recommendations from the community regarding rules and makes recommendation to the JLC to be brought to the Board of Directors.
Entry Book Committee –committee works with Fair on updating the book and distributes to the clubs.
Publicity Committee- works with Fair on pre fair publicity.
Barn Improvements – works on prioritizing projects, gets bids and makes recommendations to both boards.
Community Service Projects (adopt a barn) – pre-fair and post-fair
Fundraising Committee- works with Friends of the Fair to come up with non – competitive fundraisers.
Sale Day Committees
Sale recording
Admin. Committee- Hires Auctioneers, Makes sure payment center is set up, sale orders are distributed, buyers tables are organized
Breakfast Committee
Swine Committee
Sheep Committee
Goat Committee
Beef Committee
Small Animal Committee
Buyer Hospitality Committee
Set up committee
Tear down committee
The Junior Livestock Committee is always looking for volunteers to participate in any of the subcommittees. You do not have to be a voting member to be involved. The monthly meetings are open to the public.