Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee
Junior Livestock Show, May 15-18, 2025
PO BOX, 489. ANGELS CAMP CA 95222 ...209-736-2561
Donation Animal Program
Background: Over the last several years more than $100,000 has been raised through the donated animal program. The Junior Livestock Committee has been able to remodel the livestock office, fix and roof the beef wash racks. Purchase sheep, goat, swine panels, scale and sound system. Seal the beef barns, swine barn, goat barn and resurface and grade the Tower Pavilion. Currently the committee is working on a new cover for the swine arena.
Process: Local breeders donate a market animal. The breeder selects an exhibitor to raise the animal. The exhibitor donates their time and energy to insure the animal meets all standards consistent with a market ready animal. The Junior Livestock Committee pays for the feed for the project. The project is displayed at the fair and sold at the end of the Junior Livestock Auction. The breeder and exhibitor do not benefit financially.
Exhibitors must turn in the Donation Project Contract by the entry deadline as described in the Junior Livestock Entry Guide Book.
The donated animal projects will be sold at the end of each species.
Only animals that have been predetermined will be part of the auction. No additional animals will be permitted.
The project can compete in any competitions at the Fair. However the project cannot be sold as a champion.
The donation animal projects are displayed together
The exhibitor is expected to care for the project during the Fair and Junior Livestock Auction.
Raising a donated animal does not prevent an exhibit from participating in other competitions as outlined in livestock entry guide book.
The said projects will be tagged by the Junior Livestock Committee.
Raising a donated animal does not prevent the exhibitor from participating in the Junior Livestock Auction with a personal project.
Projects the donation animals have assisted in paying for:
Hog Show and Sale Ring ($100,000 project)
Projection system for Auction day
Beef Wash Racks
Upgraded Sound System
Remodel Large Animal Office
Remodel Small Animal Office
New for 2025 - Large Fan in Swine Show Ring.
Special thank you to our breeders:
GM Cattle Company
Westberg Livestock
Schimp Family
Skylite Livestock
Brassfield Family
Bret Harte FFA