Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee
Junior Livestock Show, May 16-19,2024
PO Box 489, Angels Camp CA 95222
209.736.2561 Fax: 209.736.2476
Outstanding Livestock Exhibitor…
Senior Division...
1st Place - $2000 Scholarship sponsored by the Ironstone Foundation and the Miller Group. Mina Peirano Memorial Trophy Buckle Sponsored by Kathy Yarbrough and Debbie Ponte.
2nd Place- $1000 Scholarship and plaque is sponsored by the Miller Group. Trophy buckle sponsored by the Friends and Family of Bob Trinchero.
Middle Division- Trophy Buckle
Primary Division- Trophy Buckle
First place ribbon given per species.
One over all Best of Show ribbon.
Susan E. Nunes Perpetual Award … Susan was a 4-H and FFA exhibitor. She grew up in the Valley Springs area. This award goes to the winner of the large animal round robin competition. A trophy buckle is given to both the large animal and small animal round robin winners.
Ribbons, 1st through eighth place.
A Trophy Buckle and Rosette is given to the Supreme and Reserve Supreme Market Beef winners. A director’s chair is given to the Market Beef Champions. A duffle bag is given to the Reserve Market Beef Champions.
The Lombardi Award is a Memorial Trophy Buckle given to Market Beef animal that the judge has selected as the County Bred Champion. This special class is held at the conclusion of the market show. Cliff was a native of Calaveras County. He lived, worked and raised his family in Calaveras County. His primary interest and love were raising quality cattle in Calaveras County. Lombardi passed away in 1985. His wife, Pat gives this award annually to promote outstanding beef production in Calaveras County.
The Calaveras County Tuolumne Cattle Women give a blanket to both the 4-H/ Grange and FFA/Grange County Bred Champions.
The Calaveras Cattlemen sponsor a rate of gain competition. A cash award and a plaque are given to the top four animals that have had the highest rate of gain and are sale eligible. The gain is determined by the pre-fair weight as determined at the December weigh in.
The Champion Purebred Bull, Reserve Champion Purebred Bull, Champion Purebred Female, Reserve Champion Purebred Female, Champion Grade Female, Reserve Champion Grade Female, Champion Purebred Cow/Calf, Reserve Champion Purebred Cow/Calf, Champion Grade Cow/Calf, Reserve Champion Cow/Calf, Champion Purebred Replacement Heifer. Reserve Champion Purebred Replacement Heifer, Champion Grade Replacement Heifer, Reserve Champion Replacement Commercial Heifer will receive ribbons.
The Daryl Giannini Memorial buckle will be given to the Supreme Champion replacement heifer.
A trophy will be given to the highest placing 4-H/Grange and FFA/Grange Market Beef that was Bred, Born and Fed in Calaveras County. A prize will be given to the Rancher’s Choice winner.
A Trophy Buckle will be given to the highest placing heifer, highest placing replacement heifer and the highest placing county bred heifer. In addition, a trophy buckle will be given to the second highest placing heifer not in the Replacement Heifer Sale.
A Trophy Buckle and Rosette is given to the Supreme and Reserve Supreme Market Swine winners. A director’s chair is given to the Market Swine Champions. A duffle bag is given to the Reserve Market Swine Champions. These awards are sponsored by the Raggio Family in memory of Peter Raggio.
The swine show will have breed champions (not purebreds) champions in addition to the overall champions. Banners will be given.
A Trophy Buckle is given to the Market Swine animal that the judge has selected as the County Bred Champion. This special class is held at the conclusion of the market show.
A trophy will be given to the highest placing 4-H/Grange and FFA/Grange Market Swine that was Bred, Born and Fed in Calaveras County.
A trophy buckle will be given to Advanced FFA/Grange Champion Showman and the Advanced 4-H/Grange Showman.
The “Kenneth Petty” Perpetual Trophy is given to the winner of the 4-H/Grange Novice Swine Showmanship. Kenny was a resident of San Andreas. He was a member of Mountain Ranch 4-H and attended San Andreas Elementary. He passed away in eighth grade.
Ribbons will be awarded in the breeding Gilt classes
The “Skye’s the Limit” perpetual trophy is awarded to the winner of FFA Advanced Swine Showmanship. Skye was a member of both Mountain Ranch 4-H and Calaveras FFA. She also was an active member of the Junior Fair board. Skye passed away in 2009.
The “Colby Westberg” perpetual trophy is awarded to the winner of 4-H Advanced Swine Showmanship. Colby was a member of 4-H and FFA. He raised hogs and beef. Colby passed away in 2016. This award is sponsored by the Westberg Family.
A Trophy Buckle and Rosette is given to the Supreme and Reserve Supreme Market Sheep winners. A director’s chair is given to the Market Sheep Champions. A duffle bag is given to the Reserve Market Sheep Champions. These awards are sponsored by the McCarty Family in memory of Ron McCarty.
A Trophy Buckle is given to the Market Sheep animal that the judge has selected as the County Bred Champion. This special class is held at the conclusion of the market show. This award is sponsored by the Stammerjohan Family in memory of Tamara Dragomanovich.
A trophy will be given to the highest placing 4-H/Grange and FFA/Grange Market Sheep that is Bred, Born and Fed in Calaveras County.
A Trophy Buckle is given to the highest placing ewe. This award is sponsored by the Anna Lisa and Scott Laca.
The Champion Feeder Lamb, Reserve Champion Feeder Lamb, Champion Purebred Ewe, Reserve Champion Purebred Ewe, Champion Grade Ewe and Reserve Champion Grade Ewe will receive ribbons.
A Trophy Buckle and Rosette is given to the Supreme and Reserve Supreme Market Goat winners. A director’s chair is given to the Market Goat Champions. A duffle bag is given to the Reserve Market Goat Champions.
A Trophy Buckle is given to the Market Goat animal that the judge has selected as the County Bred Champion. This special class is held at the conclusion of the market show.
A trophy will be given to the highest placing 4-H/Grange and FFA/Grange Market Goat that was Bred, Born and Fed in Calaveras County
A Trophy Buckle will be given to the highest placing breeding doe, Grade and Purebred.
A Trophy Buckle and Rosette is given to the Supreme and Reserve Supreme Market Poultry Meat Pen, Singe Broiler and Market Turkey winners. A director’s chair is given to the Market Poultry Meat Pen, Single Fryer and Market Turkey Champions. A duffle bag is given to the Reserve Market Poultry Meat Pen, Single Broiler and Market Turkey Champions.
A Trophy Buckle is given to the Best of Show Breeding Poultry. The Reserve Best of Show receives a ribbon.
Trophy Buckle and Rosette is given to the Supreme and Reserve Supreme Market Rabbit Meat Pen and Single Fryer winners. A director’s chair is given to the Market Rabbit Meat Pen, Single Fryer Market Champions. A duffle bag is given to the Reserve Market Poultry Meat Pen, Reserve Single Market Fryer Champions.
A ribbon is awarded to the Best of Show and Reserve Best of Show Breeding Rabbit.
A Trophy Buckle is given to the Best of Show Breeding Rabbit.
A ribbon is awarded to the Best of Show and Reserve Best of Show Breeding Cavy.
Ribbons are awarded for the Best Doe in Show: (All Supreme Champions compete for this award), Supreme Champion Purebred, Reserve Supreme Champion Purebred, Junior Registered Champion, Junior Registered Reserve Champion, Senior Registered Champion, Senior Registered Reserve Champion, Supreme Champion Recorded Grade, Reserve Supreme Champion Recorded Grade, Junior Recorded Grade Champion, Junior Recorded Grade Reserve Champion, Senior Recorded Grade Champion and Senior Recorded Grade Reserve Champion.
Ribbons are given for Supreme Champion Pygmy, Reserve Supreme Champion Pygmy, Champion Doe Kid, Reserve Champion Doe Kid, Champion Junior Doe, Reserve Champion Junior Doe, Champion Senior Doe, Reserve Champion Senior Doe, Champion Wether, Reserve Champion Wether, Champion Buck and Reserve Champion Buck.
All class winners will receive ribbons.
Ribbons are awarded in the both the Horse Show and Gymkhana, 1st through 5th place.
High Point and Reserve High Point Neck Ribbons are awarded for the both the Horse Show and Gymkhana.
A Trophy Buckle sponsored by John and Gail Kautz is awarded to the All-Around Equestrian Rider. This award encompassed both the Horse Show and Gymkhana.
The Colby Westberg Memorial Stockman Award…
This trophy buckle award will be presented by the Westberg Family to an exhibitor who exemplifies an outstanding work ethic, social responsibility, and fortitude. Colby was active in 4-H, FFA and the Bret Harte football program. He raised swine and beef. He could always be seen helping others, encouraging younger exhibitors, and lending a helping hand. This award is given by his family in his memory.